





Goods Information

Tap "Goods"button.

The list of goods which have been already registered is displayed.

”Add" 。。。 Add a new goods.

”Sort" 。。。 Select a sort item.

”Filter" 。。。You select  a category, and only a chosen category product displays it.

It changes to a registration screen when you tap "Add" button
@CODE。。。Bar code。AWhen you tap "Scan"buttonA and read bar code, EAN/JAN code becomes available.
You tap CODE field and can input a cord from keypad.
In the case of a product without the bar code, I remain blanks.
In a category field, the name of the category becomes available when equal with the cord of a registered category from input or a read code.

。。。When you set a new category, you tap a category column and input from keypad. When you select the category that has been already registered, you tap right D button.

FGCost price(CP)、Selling price(SP)

HMinimum stocks(inventories)
。。。When the number of the stock is less than a value set here, in the case of leaving a shed processing, it displays warning once。

When you register a goods image, you tap left upper "Photo".
You choose an image source and take in an image.
Copyright © AiMiS, all right reserved, since 2006.